This book explores the three arenas of spiritual warfare that the maturing Christian will face: the mind, the church and the heavenly places. It provides a foundation of insight, wisdom and discernment on the nature of the battle and the keys to victory.
Resist the enemy's attacks! Legendary author and Bible teacher Derek Prince explains the battle that is waging right now between the forces of God and the forces of evil. Discover the truths about the nature of this battle so you can...
- Put on your defensive armor
- Counter the devil with offensive weapons of attack
- Tear down the enemy's strongholds
- Learn the key to overcoming Satan's assaults
- Help others to do the same
Gary Smalley explains what motivates men and how women can use their natural attractive qualities to build a better marriage. He helps women understand not only the way men think, but also how to move a man's heart. Using case histories aa pand biblical illustrations, he addresses with empathy, humor, and wisdom every practical and emotional problem a woman can face in her marriage.
Words spoken over individuals, cities, and nations are conditional; their fulfillment is based upon our response. Paul exhorted believers to wage war for personal prophecies. How does one wage war for a prophetic word and journey from promise to fulfillment? That question burned in Patricia s heart as she sought the Lord about how to walk in the things He promised her through prophecies. In this book you will walk beside her on her journey of discovery so the Lord can reveal to you the keys to unlock the doors of your destiny. You will discover how to: Recognize the depths of God's Father love toward you, how to respond to it, and how to allow it to change your life; Find the keys to healing your heart so you are capable of receiving prophetic fulfillment; Live daily the prophetic lifestyle; Successfully make prophetic decrees that change your life and the lives of others and much more. Isn't it time you experience the convergence of heaven's desire for your life--both in the here and now and in the eternal realm to come' ... Thus says the Lord God: None of my words will be postponed any more, but the word which I speak will be done ... (Ezekiel 12:28).
Bestselling author, Gary Smalley, has long been esteemed as one of the premier books on marriage for men. Smalley helps men understand their wives and meet their needs in order to establish a loving, thriving relationship that will last a lifetime. This book is the perfect guide for husbands who want to love their wives and strengthen their marriages in a way like never before. Using humorous and touching illustrations from his own life, as well as case histories and biblical examples, Gary Smalley maps a blueprint to a better marriage that will have a deep and lasting impact on men and their wives.
You are supernatural! Every believer in Christ is a supernatural being with a supernatural purpose, called to walk in the supernatural ways of heaven and demonstrate God's supernatural Kingdom here on earth! In Simple Supernatural, Joshua Mills shares exciting personal testimonies, biblical keys, and practical guidelines that will launch you into a supernatural lifestyle. Learn how to:
- Live in the Glory Realm
- Win Souls Supernaturally
- Manifest God's Word and Heal the Sick
- And More!
One of the principle demonstrations of God's power is divine healing. This is happening more today than it did during the whole of church history. The authors confront the belief that spiritual gifts like healing, ceased at the close of the apostolic era at the end of the first century. The authors believe that God heals the sick today as we pray for them in the name of Jesus from what they have discovered about the way in which healing functions as just one expression of the love of God.