Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose

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Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose


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Life’s trials and triumphs can seem accidental. One person may feel that life is a constant struggle in which pitfalls abound and someone seems out to get him. Another may feel that every day is a gift from God with special blessings just for her. That’s because forces are at work in our lives: the blessings of a loving God or the curses of our spiritual adversary.

Do you know what forces are influencing your life from day to day?

Are you or your family experiencing repeated sickness or accidents? Do you feel under mental, emotional or financial pressure much of the time? Are your closest relationships in turmoil? Do you wonder why success comes easily to others but seems to elude you?

Bible teacher Derek Prince shows how the forces behind blessings and curses might be at work in your life. Drawing from God’s Word and real-life experiences, Prince will help you understand the causes of curses–occult activity, hidden sin, abuses, abandonment, even sin from a previous generation–and teach you how to be set free from curses, so you can start enjoying the benefits of God’s blessings.