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  • In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Kenneth Doka explores a new, compassionate way to grieve, explaining that grief is not an illness to get over but an individual and ongoing journey. There is no “one-size-fits-all” way to cope with loss. The vital bonds that we form with those we love in life continue long after death—in very different ways. Grief Is a Journey is the first book to overturn the prevailing, often judgmental, ideas about grief, and replace them with a hopeful, inclusive, personalized, and research-backed approach. New science and studies behind Dr. Doka’s teaching upend the dominant but incorrect view that grief proceeds by stages. In doing so, he helps us realize that our experiences following a death are far more individual and much less predictable than the conventional “five stages” model would have us believe. Common patterns of experiencing and expressing grief still prevail, yet many other life changes accompany a primary loss. For example, the deaths of parents, even for adults, modify family patterns, change relationships, and alter old family rituals. Unique to this book, Dr. Doka also explains how to cope with disenfranchised grief—the types of loss that are not so readily recognized or supported by society. These include the death of ex-spouses, as well as non-fatal losses such as divorce, the end of a friendship, job loss, or infertility. In addition, Dr. Doka considers losses that might be stigmatized, including death by suicide or from disease or self-destructive behaviors such as smoking or alcoholism. Since no two people experience grief in the exact same way, Grief Is a Journey offers a variety of self-help strategies for coping with grief. It delineates the many ways we can create personal and private therapeutic rituals throughout our grief journey. This book also offers counsel on when—and where—to seek professional assistance. And finally, Dr. Doka reminds us that, however painful, grief provides opportunities for growth.
  • In his groundbreaking book fifteen years ago, Gordon Dalbey identified the fact that men's souls have been torn between strength and sensitivity. Today, the situation is even worse. The politically correct crowd cries out for men to be more sensitive, to tame their masculine nature. On the opposing side, the media bombards men with "macho" images of violence and lust. Is it any wonder men are left bewildered about who they should be? In this newly revised and updated edition of Healing the Masculine Soul, Dalbey claims that there's hope for restoration, hope for healing-because Christ has come to heal us. God is calling men out to a relationship with Himself and calling them out to authentic manhood. "Our task is not to curse our manhood, but to redeem it," he writes. Gordon Dalbey's refreshing, comprehensive picture of God's design for the masculine soul dares men to be as God created them to be-not as society demands. Dalbey tackles the tough issues, including work, sexuality, marriage, and fatherhood.
  • In this encouraging book, Chip Ingram reveals how readers can meet God in the midst of their most difficult circumstances. Chip's candid discussion, personal stories, and solid guidance will allow readers to move from "knowing about God" to profoundly experiencing his presence and power in their lives. Whether they're struggling with rocky relationships, unexpected crises, depression, or injustice, Finding God When You Need Him Most will remind readers that the Lord is faithful to hear their heart's cry and will be there for them, time and again.
  • Release God’s healing power in your life! Every Christian has been sent and empowered by Jesus to heal the sick. The problem is that many of us don’t know how to practically complete this task. We either think that miraculous healing has passed away, that healing ministry is only available to special leaders, or that God simply picks and chooses who He decides to heal. In “Power to Heal”, Dr. Randy Clark gives you eight practical, Bible-based tools that will help you start praying for the sick… and see them supernaturally healed! You’ll learn how to:
    • Receive and share words of knowledge for healing
    • Pray with authority to release God’s power
    • Keep ministering to people when they don’t get instantly healed
    • Use the five-step prayer model
    Step out, take risks and watch God do the miraculous.
  • Thoughts can seem random and meaningless, but they impact your life every day. It's all connected. What you think affects your words, attitude, decisions, and emotions and influences how you relate to yourself, to other people, and to God. In THE MIND CONNECTION, Joyce Meyer expands on the wisdom of her bestselling books Battlefield of the Mind and Power Thoughts to explain how to improve the quality of your thoughts and your life. She explores the undeniable connection between the mind, mouth, moods, and attitudes, so that you can develop and maintain the right mental position--no matter what challenges you face. Through practical advice and Scriptural insights, Joyce will help you learn to think with purpose, gain greater confidence, and claim the fulfilling life you were meant to lead.
  • You are supernatural! Every believer in Christ is a supernatural being with a supernatural purpose, called to walk in the supernatural ways of heaven and demonstrate God's supernatural Kingdom here on earth! In Simple Supernatural, Joshua Mills shares exciting personal testimonies, biblical keys, and practical guidelines that will launch you into a supernatural lifestyle. Learn how to:
    • Live in the Glory Realm
    • Win Souls Supernaturally
    • Manifest God's Word and Heal the Sick
    • And More!
    Let go of any preconceived ideas and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into the greatest days you've ever known. This is simple supernatural!
  • Words spoken over individuals, cities, and nations are conditional; their fulfillment is based upon our response. Paul exhorted believers to wage war for personal prophecies. How does one wage war for a prophetic word and journey from promise to fulfillment? That question burned in Patricia s heart as she sought the Lord about how to walk in the things He promised her through prophecies. In this book you will walk beside her on her journey of discovery so the Lord can reveal to you the keys to unlock the doors of your destiny. You will discover how to: Recognize the depths of God's Father love toward you, how to respond to it, and how to allow it to change your life; Find the keys to healing your heart so you are capable of receiving prophetic fulfillment; Live daily the prophetic lifestyle; Successfully make prophetic decrees that change your life and the lives of others and much more. Isn't it time you experience the convergence of heaven's desire for your life--both in the here and now and in the eternal realm to come' ... Thus says the Lord God: None of my words will be postponed any more, but the word which I speak will be done ... (Ezekiel 12:28).
  • Resist the enemy's attacks! Legendary author and Bible teacher Derek Prince explains the battle that is waging right now between the forces of God and the forces of evil. Discover the truths about the nature of this battle so you can...
    • Put on your defensive armor
    • Counter the devil with offensive weapons of attack
    • Tear down the enemy's strongholds
    • Learn the key to overcoming Satan's assaults
    • Help others to do the same
    Your mind is a spiritual battlefield, but thanks God, you can learn the enemy's strategies, stand up against his schemes, and emerge victorious!
  • This book explores the three arenas of spiritual warfare that the maturing Christian will face: the mind, the church and the heavenly places. It provides a foundation of insight, wisdom and discernment on the nature of the battle and the keys to victory.